Trades Training Students Need Your Help

As part of our investment in people, and with support from our industry partners and peers, we are working to raise funds for trades training programs at BCIT and Camosun College in BC, and at George Brown College and the Central Ontario Building Trades Hammer Heads program in Ontario.

These funds have had an enormous impact on hundreds of students across the country – students like Jonathan Su and Jahmeeka Hussey.

“This program provides practical skills youth like me need to help overcome challenges and open doors. It’s about investing in future generations and helping build a better future for the planet and society.”
-Jonathan Su, Trades for Success Student, Camosun College

“The chance to purse my passion and support my family hit hard by COVID has been a game-changer. They’re really proud of me because now not only do I have a steady job, I’m a woman in the trades.” 
-Jahmeeka Hussey, Plumbing Apprentice, COBT Hammer Heads Program

Receiving bursaries and scholarships in trades training programs provides students with high quality skills to equip them for well-paying jobs and successful careers in the construction sector.

With your support, we can help make a difference for these and future trades students, and our communities.
To find out how you can join us in this support, and in building a people-first future, please visit