David Podmore BCIT

David Podmore Recognized as Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser

On November 18, 2019, David Podmore, Concert Chairman & Co-Founder, was recognized at the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Greater Vancouver Chapter 2019 Giving Hearts Awards as Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser.

This award acknowledges outstanding skills in coordinating and motivating groups of volunteers for fundraising projects to benefit non-profit organizations, as well as exceptional leadership for major fundraising projects for multiple non-profit organizations in the community. David was nominated by the BCIT Foundation.

The Giving Hearts Award Program was created to acknowledge the true expression of philanthropy in the community. David exemplifies this, having been active in countless community initiatives and serving on many philanthropic Boards over his storied career.

“This nomination accounts for a multitude of causes, initiatives and needs that my father has responded to over the years. I have never known him to turn down a request for assistance; he simply has the ability, desire and capacity to make our world better,” says Jen Podmore Russell, Podmore’s daughter.

Congratulations to David for this award and being recognized as an outstanding leader in Philanthropy, and an inspiration to many at Concert and across the business community.