Tapestry at Victoria Harbour is Topped Off

Tapestry at Victoria Harbour, located at 701 Belleville Street in the heart of downtown Victoria, has reached an important milestone with the completion of the concrete formwork of the 15-storey tower and the five-storey podium building.
To celebrate, Concert, Tapestry and Campbell Construction hosted a “topping off” event to congratulate the team for their hard work to date.
“We’re excited to partner with and celebrate the hard work of our trades and consultants, the Campbell Construction team and our own development and construction teams,” says Brian McCauley, Concert’s President & Chief Executive Officer. “This milestone event celebrates the dedication and efforts of those who have helped make Concert’s vision of Tapestry at Victoria Harbour, our first active aging community in Victoria, a reality.”
The building is also progressing with masonry, glazing and both interior and exterior finishing. Interior finishing of suites has progressed to level six. The project is slated for completion in the latter part of 2020.